here it is:
I read that Just with vegetables we produce enough calories to feed the entire world. This is not counting, beef, chicken, fish, and other such things. The main thing crippling our planet is logistics. we ship things all over the place back and forth for no reason other than cheapness. we'll let entire countries starve even though they can grow enough food to have bountiful substance and substantial raw materials for trade (looking at Africa).
It makes me so mad that I can't form my argument in the very coherent terms. all I have to say is Fuck trucking, fuck shipping, fuck "free trade", Fuck these bullshit fertilizers making insane yield crops that have even less nutrient content than their fore bearers, fuck the population increase made possible by ammonium nitrate fertilizers, fuck the erosion of topsoil turning our once lush land into desert, Fuck monsanto and the innumerable amount of bullshit that goes along with that, Fuck the destruction of the family farm, fuck the loss of social networks that connected us to the food we eat so that there was a semblance of trust between the customer and food provider, ESPECIALLY fuck the total annihilation of plant species diversity which was one of the most efficient protections against harmful pathogens, Fuck the use of slave labor to harvest these monoculture crops, Fuck the top 10 percent of farms generate one-third of total industry revenue and fuck who owns them (not families for a clue), Fuck the farming lobby, Fuck it being illegal for farmers to keep and store their OWN fucking seeds to use for the next season instead of buying GMO seeds from MONSANTO, Fuck the blacklisting of small family farmers from buying new farm equipment because they saved seeds, fuck the fact that seeds that fell off of transport trucks blew into independant farmers crops and mingled causing them to test positive for monsantos patented GMOs which in turn forced the farmers into legal battles they couldn't afford or settling out of court in a manner that sends them into death spirals. Fuck people bitching about Welfare cheats when the biggest recipient of totally unneeded welfare are corporations
Oh while I'm at it, Fuck bill gates and Fuck his foundation for working hand in hand with monsanto to patent life at the Gene level and even further if possible. Rather than pour its enourmous wealth into efficacious methods of relief for the global south the foundation seeks to make the most expensive and top heavy projects in order to nearly single handedly drive the market in the patenting of life. As a non profit organization (which has been under question itself)
matter of fact here's a little wikipedia excerpt
The foundation invests the assets that it has not yet distributed, with the exclusive goal of maximizing the return on investment. As a result, its investments include companies that have been criticized for worsening poverty in the same developing countries where the Foundation is attempting to relieve poverty. These include companies that pollute heavily and pharmaceutical companies that do not sell into the developing world.[50] In response to press criticism, the foundation announced in 2007 a review of its investments to assess social responsibility.[51] It subsequently cancelled the review and stood by its policy of investing for maximum return, while using voting rights to influence company practices.
God damnit my phone rang and it was a good friend and now i'm not all pissed so my rant is over. I'm not ranting against the OP, the topic just set me off.