August 29, 2009

America is a Fascist Police state in Utero

I am going to post a link to a video of police going beyond their rights and doing things you might think only could happen in fucking russia under stalin. if you can finish this video please post a comment to this entry. and tell me which one hurt your heart the most. WARNING this shit is nearly impossible to finish without killing a cop from anger. also while watching remember that America has more people in prison than any other industrialized nation on earth. something like 1%. 1 out of 100 people are in jail. and tons of that is for bullshit reasons like failing to show ID then resisting arrest because you are getting arrested because you ddint have an id on you. FUCK SAjlkajs dl
anyway the link: (you have no balls if you don't watch this.)
The Largest Street Gang in America

This country is unsaveable. There is one political party. The Corpratist party. I believe it was Mussolini who said that fascism is just Nationalism and Corporatism working together and as far as I'm concerned that's exactly what we have going on. I'm worried that the thrashing death throws of our country as it loses its super power status will be more damaging than the holocaust. it may not be as focused, but think about it in terms of a giant thrashing about while laying on a village not caring what is destroyed during his wallow of pain.

One of the biggest charges we level at up and coming dictatorships is that they have DUBULA EMMM DEEES. well guess what, we have shit tons more than anyone else on earth. And someone on SA wisely said that america would rather reduce the earth to a smoldering cinder before giving up its hegemony. so incase my message is not clear
AMERICA IS EVIL. It's Goals are EVIL, The pressure it puts on it's own people as well as sovereign nations is EVIL. If there was a benevolent God he would SMITE the SHIT out of this nation. and not because of abortion, or homosexuals or whatever other bullshit eveangelicals can dream up. but for all the fucking ignored parts of the bible they claim to believe in. Christianity should be a movement of paupers traveling from town to town having sold all of their worldly possessions so they might feed and help the poor and down trodden. not to lobby against healthcare and yell at townhalls.

The only salvation i see for this country is a horrible epidemic disease that whipes out 90 percent of our population and competely takes us out of the world stage. to the point where we'll be relying on the kindness of the EU and australia to help us stay alive.

We are so passed political reconciliation it is not even slightly humorous. First past the post voting and our primary system are what they french call FUCKED. The only partially legit politicicans we have in this cesspool of a country are Bernie Sanders, Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nader, and I'll let Senetor Whitehouse slide. The rest of them need to have an inglorious basterds ending.

From now on I'm going to spend less time talking about politics unless something funny or egregious comes up. keep in mind that the bar for egregious is now near the fucking moon. anyway thanks to all 2-5 of my readers, and keep a cyanide tablet handy incase shit goes haywire.


  1. yep, that video makes me want to do what you said it would. it's weird though because i have relatives who are police and they're great guys. even after an emotional thrashing like that video, i can't say that i'm convinced that cops are just a gang like the movie suggests, but the idea that any group with that much power is unchecked is pretty damn unnerving. even in santa cruz, when there was an overnight camp-out style protest at the university entrance, as soon as the cops got involved it immediately became violent. the students were protesting the university's expansion because they didn't want any more forest to be cut down. its pacifism to an extreme. here's the video from that: which is nice and happy. maybe they are a gang. damn-fuck, it's not something i want to believe. there's at least a case for it, if anyone could actually file it. dammit, i knew i should have watched this thing before one in the morning. anyhow, as far as the kicking screaming giant destroying everything in an attempt not to be taken down goes, i think that files better under your other heading of "I'm glad i have no children". it feels like what passes for optimism these days for someone who pays attention to this stuff is hopefully i wont live long enough to see how things play out. at least that's the happy thought that will with any luck lull me to sleep.

  2. this is kind of a tangent, but... theres a cop here in LA that is harassing Jesse. Every time he sees her on the street, he searches her and threatens her. Each time, the harassment gets worse and I'm afraid its going to escalate to something dangerous. Once, they threw her in the jail over night for no reason.

    Luckily, I made a new friend here at the hotel I'm staying at and he's going to be my lawyer now. If things get any worse, we're going to sue the shit outta the department.

    I live in skid row... but the only people I'm afraid of are the police. I think of the police as the most dangerous street gang because they are allowed to have guns and it's scary as hell. I just want to say that if anything happens to my girlfriend, I believe it was the police that are responsible. I want this on the record.

  3. Thanks for the comments. Way to go anonymous guy saying shut up.

  4. Thanks for the comment. I appreciate hearing opinions that I don't agree with as long as they are well thought out.

    My problem is that while there may be a few officers out there who do want to help and make the world better, they taint their own cause by tolerating all the corruption and abuses committed by their fellow officers. In my experience, even good cops will turn a blind eye to terrible abuses by their coworkers. This is mostly evident by the fact that they still have their job. Cops don't like other cops who rock the boat and report other cops. What I find funny is that many of them claim to respect "the Law" and they will be on your ass for any kind of violation but they totally ignore all the laws that they break in the course of their job. To them the law only applies in one direction and anything they have to do to enforce it is fine.

  5. I don't mean any disrespect but your retort seems like a lot of assumptions and half-truths. Many many cops get fired because other cops report them. There is a whole unit called internal affairs or "IA" dedicated to investigating corrupt cops. As a police officer making almost 90 grand a year with a wife and 2 kids, I would never risk my own job to help another officer lie or get away with something. I already have to risk my life everyday when I work patrol. Today's cops applying have college degrees and are very intelligent. Lastly, yes there are black sheep and bad apples in the career but they usually end up getting fired or going to prison. Sure some do slip through the cracks and they ruin it for the rest of us, but you have to remember your going to find corruption in every level of wealth, status and power. That's human nature. Believe me when I tell you things have vastly improved in this line of work. Also I would like to note the fact that you are quoting rapper/gangsters in one of your comments. Seems foolish that one would be so against corruption but support a music industry that promotes murder, rape and many other forms of violence. As much as rap music is an art form, many rappers are violent gangsters and many gangster are brutal vicious murderers who many times literally get away with murder.Which ultimately derives the fact that the rap music industry is corrupt and protects there own. There is so many other points I could make but this seems like enough.

  6. Another great response anonymous cop guy. I appreciate the civil tone a lot, that's not something I'm used to from law enforcement figures. I am already aware of Internal Affairs and stuff like that but it seems to me that certain regions of the country form pockets of corruption. I don't know which region you are from but it's reassuring to hear that you feel that it's not worth risking your career to do many of the things that engender hatred against your profession. I'm kind of curious how long you've been an officer (you don't have to tell me but I'd guess in the 2 year range just by the lack of cynicism).
    If you are truely interested in what makes me feel the way I do about your profession then I'll add some links that I would really appreciate you taking the time to check out. These links aren't the only things that shape my outlook. my primary thing is my personal interactions with officers that soured me the most and nobody was there to make a youtube or newspaper article about it. anyhow here they are.

    shit im out of time and have to go. i'll be back later.

  7. Ok for some reason (could be my ineptitude) I cannot figure out how to edit a comment I already made. On my last comment I posted some links. A few were Amazon links to books which I'm sure no one is going to read. If you read this post please do me a favor and take the time to check out the last 2 links at least. sorry I was in such a hurry.

  8. Anonymous cop guy I decided to make a reply worthy of your post so I made it my newest blog topic. I'd appreciate if you read it here's a link

  9. Yo.

    So I don't know if you tried to do this or not, but your comments feature no longer exists on your later posts. I'd be very interested to hear comments on the prison response post, especially from anonymous cop guy. Please fix this, so that i might be entertained better.

    P.S. The charlie Manson interview: utterly fascinating! watched the whole thing and have been thinking about it throughout the week.

  10. tay I'm not sure what in the fuck is going on with the comment feature. Thanks for reading the blog though. I'm going to do whatever I can to fix this comment problem. In the settings it says everything is fine then i look at the posts and it;s not there.

  11. Tay I cannot thank you enough for bringing the comment error to my attention holy fuck. well hopefully now I might actually get some comments.


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